Seismic Fastening Program – Earthquake Preparedness

Posted: February 9, 2011 in earthquakepreparedness
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seismic fastening program

seismic fastening program










Lately we’ve been covering specifics of applying earthquake preparedness methods to labs, data centers and warehouses so now it’s time to review the overall benefits of undertaking a seismic fastening program for your business.

The main purpose of this blog is to provide you with information on how best to position your business so that it can withstand the unpredictable nature of earthquakes.  Your best shot at minimizing the impact of a quake is to be prepared.  It’s key to ensuring that you continue operating after an earthquake.

A seismic fastening program will ensure that all of the potential hazards around your office and work space are secured in place to prevent loss or damage.  And those hazards could include equipment that you probably haven’t even thought of as being a potential problem.

Making the decision to secure equipment prior to a major seismic event will enhance your employees’ safety and your business continuity plans.  It’s that simple.

We’ve been at this for a long time at QuakeHOLD! Industrial, so you can rest assured that we know what we’re doing.   In fact, this year we’re celebrating our 20th anniversary of being in business.

Our expertise is in non-structural seismic mitigation systems including laboratory fastening, clean room fastening, data center seismic mitigation, and office equipment safety fastening.  Our innovative countertop fasteners, floor fasteners, and laboratory restraints will protect your employees from seismic risks within your workplace.

Seismic Fastening Program

Even though it makes sense for a business in a high risk seismic threat zone to undertake a seismic fastening program, many business owners haven’t done it yet.  They insist on rolling the dice in the mistaken belief that the chances are slim to none of an earthquake impacting their business.

Not so say the experts.  USGS scientists tell us the threat of a ‘big one’ is very real, particularly on the West Coast, Midwest and the South, so it would be wise for businesses anywhere within those earthquake zones to take action now before it’s too late.

What’s that old saying about an ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure?

Non-structural seismic mitigation has several benefits.  The #1 benefit of course is that it will keep your equipment secure.  By fastening your office furniture and equipment, you eliminate the risk of it all crashing down in an earthquake rendering it ineffective, not to mention destroying valuable data in the process.

As mentioned above, a seismic fastening program will also create a much safer work environment for your employees.  On top of that, a seismic fastening program is cost effective and provides inexpensive insurance as opposed to the high costs of replacing everything that has been damaged or broken beyond repair.

Our fastening systems feature recommended bracing techniques that are used to secure equipment to the wall, floor and desktop so that everything stays in place in an earthquake.

Special floor mounts and wall mounts have been developed to secure the heavier pieces, while flexible straps, quick-release buckles and industrial strength adhesives are used to brace smaller desktop equipment and appliances.

Seismic Protection Products and Services

Earthquakes are unpredictable, so being prepared is the most practical course of action to take.  If your equipment is unsecured it could be damaged or lost and the best way to prevent that from happening is to take action now to avoid major financial and logistical headaches later.

QuakeHOLD! Industrial is the leader in seismic fastening programs.  You can research the full range of seismic protection products and services that we offer by going to our website

And regardless of the size of your business, a free site survey and evaluation will determine how best to meet your needs.

If your business is based in an earthquake zone, don’t put off earthquake preparedness any longer.  Get with a seismic fastening program today.


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